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Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Dragon Con 2009 #3

Sunday photo shoot

After the Chuck panel, I finally had my photo shoot with Bonita. This has been postponed from Friday. There were a handful of us at the shoot; three 'Buy More' workers and myself in Wienerlicious gear. We got our pictures taken with Bonita and moved on.


A little explanation. When Morgan on 'Chuck' declared his desire to learn how to be a Benihana chef, my reaction was, "A what now?" So I went and looked up the term on the internet. Having thereby achieved some kind of understanding, I was reasonably satisfied. Then I saw that there was a Benihana restaurant right on the doorstep of Dragon Con. Having some time on my hands on the Sunday night, off I went to the restaurant.

For the uninitiated, there were up to eight of us sitting around a solid rectangular table. This table had a large hot plate sunk about half an inch deep into the surface. After we'd ordered, we received delicious hot, clear soup and a small salad in a bowl plus two small bowls of dipping sauce.

Then the chef turned up and started by juggling a number of knives in front of us. Then he poured oil onto the surface and began cooking. Length-wise sliced courgettes, onions, steak, chicken, mushrooms, a huge pile of freshly prepared special fried rice [complete with eggs broken onto the hot plate], shellfish. To say we got a feast is an understatement! And everything was utterly delicious.

Pictures here:-

Sunday evening continued with me being on a panel as part of the Brit Track about 'BEING HUMAN'. I took some pictures of the location pink house in Totterdown, Bristol. We discussed several episodes and themes in the first season. I was able to report that season 2 was now filming in Bristol.

I concluded Sunday by singing some filk and going to the Pirate party!

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