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Sunday, 8 November 2009

Remembrance Sunday

The U.K. remembers:-

My late father was a Squadron Leader in the RAF Regiment and my late mother [amongst other things] was stationed as a WAAF officer at Biggin Hill during the Battle of Britain.

Friday, 30 October 2009


Just in case you've been hiding under a rock, here's a television programme to perk up your spirits and make you smile:-

AWESOME tribute to 'Chuck'!

Series 1 has been out on DVD for some time. Series 2 is out NOW in the UK!
Ask Santa to pop a copy in your holiday stocking!

How can you not have awesome with Adam 'the man they call Jayne' Baldwin in anything?!!?

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

St Margaret's chapel and Magdalene Almshouses, Glastonbury

In the small market town of Glastonbury, there are a surprising number of things to see and visit. One of these is an old Medieval chapel and Tudor almshouses.
The current chapel was built in 1444, though the site appears to pre-date that. Queen Margaret of Scotland set up a number of hospitals in England. Most of them seem to have been dedicated to Mary Magdalene. She is the patron saint of lepers [amongst other things]. It's likely that men coming back from the Crusades with unknown diseases and conditions that were either leprosy or similar would be looked after in places like this one in Glastonbury. The monks from the nearby Abbey looked after 13 ill or destitute men at the Magdalene hospital until the dissolution of the monasteries under Henry VIII. After that, the two rows of individual Almshouses were constructed and housed ten men. The site has a Christian foundation, but it is of the sort of spirit which welcomes all.

In 1993, a new ecumenical group of Christians came together to make a Celtic style Community,after the model of places like Iona. The centre point of the day was open and welcoming prayers for about 20 minutes at 12 o'clock. We took on the WWII silent minute which Churchill initiated [inspired by Glastonian Wellesley Tudor Pole,] and held a minute's silence for peace at the start of each service. I enjoyed going; because it gave me an oasis of silence and quiet in the middle of the day, got me out of the house, got me away from 'me' and there was fellowship afterwards. I became part of the community formally a little later in 1993.
I learned a lot; how to create and 'hold' sacred space, how to plan services, practised conflict resolution, worked in and with community, learned deep listening, met people of most faiths [and none], heard stories of journeys of faith, worked on improving community relations [with each other and the wider world]. It was - although I didn't realise it at the time! - a perfect nursery preparing me for the Interfaith seminary and ordination.

I still lead prayers as often as I can. Just last week we had the entire first year of a local school through the doors to learn about the history of the site and to get a taste of prayer and especially silence. People from all over the world find this little chapel. Some stay for five minutes, some for longer. They sit, kneel, stand or even lie down in the chapel. Some light a candle or leave a written prayer; some light incense. It is a haven for people to put aside the world and find stillness, however that is for them. I have been privileged and deeply touched to read some of the testimonies of some who write of finding solace, or re-connection with the God of their understanding, or healing [or all three!]. All that we do is provide the space as often as we can. Indeed, volunteers sympathetic to Christianity are always welcome to open the site to the public. I look forward to the future of this site with hope!

Sunday, 18 October 2009

Chuck vs the Hero's Journey

The Call to Adventure
The hero starts off in a mundane situation of normality from which some information is received that acts as a call to head off into the unknown.

[Joseph] Campbell: This first stage of the mythological journey - which we have designated the "call to adventure" - signifies that destiny has summoned the hero and transferred his spiritual centre of gravity from within the pale of his society to a zone unknown. The hero can go forth of his own volition to accomplish the adventure, or he may be carried or sent abroad by some benign or malignant agent. The adventure may begin as a mere blunder ... or still again, one may be only casually strolling when some passing phenomenon catches the wandering eye and lures one away from the frequented paths of man.

Chuck: His initial call is of the being carried or sent type at the hands of a mostly benign agent [Bryce]. He does not ask for the information; rather it is gifted to him. Cursed with Awesome – in two senses!

Refusal of the Call
Often when the call is given, the future hero refuses to heed it. This may be from a sense of duty or obligation, fear, insecurity, a sense of inadequacy, or any of a range of reasons that work to hold the person in his or her current circumstances.

Campbell: Refusal of the summons converts the adventure into its negative. Walled in boredom, hard work, or 'culture,' the subject loses the power of significant affirmative action and becomes a victim to be saved.

Chuck: Certainly shows insecurity and fear. He is very much the fish out of water in the spy world.

Supernatural Aid
Once the hero has committed to the quest, consciously or unconsciously, his or her guide and magical helper appears, or becomes known. More often than not, this supernatural mentor will present the hero with one or more talismans or artefacts that will aid them later in their quest.

Campbell: For those who have not refused the call, the first encounter of the hero journey is with a protective figure who provides the adventurer with amulets against the forces he is about to pass. What such a figure represents is the benign, protecting power of destiny. Protective power is always and ever present within or just behind, the unfamiliar features of the world. Having responded to his own call, and continuing to follow courageously as the consequences unfold, the hero finds all the forces of the unconscious at his side. And in so far as the hero's act coincides with that for which his society is ready, he seems to ride on the great rhythm of the historical process.

Chuck: Not so much supernatural as gifted; in the form of Sarah Walker and John Casey.

The Crossing of the First Threshold
This is the point where the person actually crosses into the field of adventure, leaving the known limits of his or her world and venturing into an unknown and dangerous realm where the rules and limits are not known.

Campbell: With the personifications of his destiny to guide and aid him, the hero goes forward in his adventure until he comes to the "threshold guardian" at the entrance to the zone of magnified power. Such custodians bound the world in four directions - also up and down - standing for the limits of the hero's present sphere, or life horizon. The adventure is always and everywhere a passage beyond the veil of the known into the unknown; the powers that watch at the boundary are dangerous; to deal with them is risky; yet for anyone with competence and courage the danger fades.

Chuck: Gradually learning espionage and other skills. Chuck vs the Helicopter, using his gaming knowledge to land the craft safely. Sarah and Casey mostly also act as threshold guardians, as does Roan Montgomery later.

Belly of The Whale
The belly of the whale represents the final separation from the hero's known world and self. By entering this stage, the person shows their willingness to undergo a metamorphosis.

Campbell: The idea that the passage of the magical threshold is a transit into a sphere of rebirth is symbolized in the worldwide womb image of the belly of the whale. The hero, instead of conquering or conciliating the power of the threshold, is swallowed into the unknown and would appear to have died. Instead of passing outward, beyond the confines of the visible world, the hero goes inward, to be born again. The temple interior, the belly of the whale, and the heavenly land beyond, above, and below the confines of the world, are one and the same. That is why the approaches and entrances to temples are flanked and defended by colossal gargoyles. The devotee at the moment of entry into a temple undergoes a metamorphosis.

Chuck: Starting to enjoy missions more than his 'normal' life. Chuck vs the Tango.

Initiation : The Road of Trials
The road of trials is a series of tests, tasks, or ordeals that the person must undergo to begin the transformation. Often the person fails one or more of these tests, which often occur in threes.

Campbell: Once having traversed the threshold, the hero must survive a succession of trials. This is a favourite phase of the myth-adventure. The hero is covertly aided by the advice, amulets, and secret agents whom he met before his entrance into this region. The original departure into the land of trials represented only the beginning of the long and really perilous path of initiatory conquests and moments of illumination. Dragons have now to be slain and surprising barriers passes - again, again, and again.

Chuck: Facing real danger, with guns, bullets and organisations like Fulcrum and the so far shadowy Ring. Chuck vs Imported Hard Salami. Practically every episode!

The Meeting With the Goddess
This is the point when the person experiences a love that has the power and significance of the all-powerful, all encompassing, unconditional love that a fortunate infant may experience with his or her mother. This is a very important step in the process and is often represented by the person finding the other person that he or she loves most completely.

Campbell: The ultimate adventure, when all the barriers and ogres have been overcome, is commonly represented as a mystical marriage of the triumphant hero-soul with the Queen Goddess of the World. This is the crisis at the nadir, the zenith, or at the uttermost edge of the earth, at the central point of the cosmos, in the tabernacle of the temple, or within the darkness of the deepest chamber of the heart. The meeting with the goddess is the final test of the talent of the hero to win the boon of love.

Chuck: Sarah [Lou]

Woman as Temptress
This step is about those temptations that may lead the hero to abandon or stray from his or her quest, which does not necessarily have to be represented by a woman. Woman is a metaphor for the physical or material temptations of life, since the hero-knight was often tempted by lust from his spiritual journey.

Campbell: The seeker of the life beyond life must press beyond, surpass the temptations of her call, and soar to the immaculate ether beyond.

Chuck: Possible career advancement at the 'Buy More'. Wanting a 'real life'. The Black Widow, Alex Forrest, Jill.

Atonement with the Father
In this step the person must confront and be initiated by whatever holds the ultimate power in his or her life. In many myths and stories this is the father, or a father figure who has life and death power. All the previous steps have been moving in to this place, all that follow will move out from it. Although this step is most frequently symbolized by an encounter with a male entity, it does not have to be a male; just someone or thing with incredible power.

Campbell: One must have a faith that the father is merciful, and then a reliance on that mercy. It is in this ordeal that the hero may derive hope and assurance from the helpful female figure, by whose magic he is protected through all the frightening experiences of the father's ego-shattering initiation. The hero transcends life and for a moment rises to a glimpse of the source. He beholds the face of the father, understands - and the two are atoned.

Chuck: Absolutely with his Stephen, own father.

When someone dies a physical death, or dies to the self to live in spirit, he or she moves beyond the pairs of opposites to a state of divine knowledge, love, compassion and bliss. A more mundane way of looking at this step is that it is a period of rest, peace and fulfilment before the hero begins the return.

Campbell: Those who know, not only that the Everlasting lies in them, but that what they, and all things, really are is the Everlasting, dwell in the groves of the wish fulfilling trees, drink the brew of immortality, and listen everywhere to the unheard music of eternal concord.

Chuck: Snatched moments of normality at work, with his sister and Sarah in particular.

The Ultimate Boon
The ultimate boon is the achievement of the goal of the quest. It is what the person went on the journey to get. All the previous steps serve to prepare and purify the person for this step, since in many myths the boon is something transcendent like the elixir of life itself, or a plant that supplies immortality, or the holy grail.

Campbell: What the hero seeks through his relationship with god/goddess is not themselves, but their grace, i.e., the power of their sustaining substance. This miraculous energy-substance is the Imperishable; the names and forms of the deities who everywhere embody, dispense, and represent it come and go.

Chuck: Re-uploading the Intersect by choice.

Return : Refusal of the Return

Having found bliss and enlightenment in the other world, the hero may not want to return to the ordinary world to bestow the boon onto his fellow man.

Campbell: When the hero-quest has been accomplished, the adventurer still must return with his life-transmuting trophy. The full round requires that the hero shall now begin the labour of bringing his gifts back into the kingdom of humanity. But the responsibility has been frequently refused.

Chuck: He has journeyed down this road a little, but season 3 may bring this theme out more fully.

The Magic Flight
Sometimes the hero must escape with the boon, if it is something that the gods have been jealously guarding. It can be just as adventurous and dangerous returning from the journey as it was to go on it.

Campbell: If the hero in his triumph wins the blessing of the goddess or the god and is then commissioned to return to the world with some elixir for the restoration of society, the final stage of his adventure is supported by all the powers of his supernatural patron.

Chuck: Again, we've yet to see the full unfolding of this. Chuck vs the Colonel.

Rescue from Without
Just as the hero may need guides and assistants to set out on the quest, often he or she must have powerful guides and rescuers to bring them back to everyday life, especially if the person has been wounded or weakened by the experience.

Campbell: The hero may have to be brought back from his supernatural adventure by assistance from without. That is to say, the world may have to come and get him.

Chuck: His father, his sister. Maybe Sarah and Casey in season 3.

The Crossing of the Return Threshold
The trick in returning is to retain the wisdom gained on the quest, to integrate that wisdom into a human life, and then maybe figure out how to share the wisdom with the rest of the world. This is usually extremely difficult.

Campbell: The returning hero, to complete his adventure, must survive the impact of the world. The first problem of the returning hero is to accept the world as real.

Master of Two Worlds
This step is usually represented by a transcendental hero like Jesus or Buddha. For a human hero, it may mean achieving a balance between the material and spiritual. The person has become comfortable and competent in both the inner and outer worlds.

Campbell: Freedom to pass back and forth across the world division is the talent of the master. The Cosmic Dancer, declares Nietzsche, does not rest heavily in a single spot, but gaily, lightly, turns and leaps from one position to another. The hero's personal ambitions being dissolved, he willingly relaxes to whatever may come to pass in him.

Chuck: He is moving into this. “Guys, I know kung fu!!” Chuck vs Tom Sawyer.

Freedom to Live
Mastery leads to freedom from the fear of death, which in turn is the freedom to live. This is sometimes referred to as living in the moment.

Campbell: The hero is the champion of things becoming, because he is. 'Before Abraham was, I AM.' He does not mistake apparent changelessness in time for the permanence of Being, nor is he fearful of the next moment. Be sure there's nothing perishes in the whole universe; it does but vary and renew its form

Chuck: The World of Warcraft battle plan used to defeat the bad guys, season 2 [Chuck vs the First Date].

Sunday, 27 September 2009

Previous ramblings

Can be found on Livejournal. Most of my output is unlocked.

Includes stories, fan fiction and other items.

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Piccies from Dragon Con 2009

Dragon Con 2009 #4


I went on the historic trolley tour in the morning. It took two hours and went round a fair slice of Atlanta. Definitely worth doing once if you're ever in town.

Bonita [again!]

After I got back, I collected my photo shoot picture of me with Bonita and went over to the Hilton hotel to show her. We had a good time chatting, she signed the picture. Then I took a huge speculation; I asked John Billingsly to sign my Chuck comic. I know he hasn't been in it yet; it's just wild mad guesswork on my part :-).

I must have spent nearly half an hour there; talking to either Bonita, John or the other fans who came to the table. I told her my parents had been in the [UK] RAF. I sent my love to the cast of 'Chuck'. We talked a bit about T1 and the Subway breakout. A US Army veteran turned up and he gave me a fairly comprehensive guide to the meaning of General Beckman's ribbons; at least the ones he recognised. So here it is!

Air Force Cross; Air Force Distinguished Service Medal; DOP Distinguished Service; Distinguished Flying Cross; Bronze Star with valor Device; Meritorious Service Medal; National Defense 3 campaign stars; American Expeditionary Force; Humanitarian Assistance; Saudi liberation of Kuwait; Joint Service Commendation Medal; Joint Service Achievement Medal

I trawled around a couple of the dealers' rooms, but didn't buy anything. Then that was about that; a couple more panels and Dragon Con was finished for another year.

Dragon Con 2009 #3

Sunday photo shoot

After the Chuck panel, I finally had my photo shoot with Bonita. This has been postponed from Friday. There were a handful of us at the shoot; three 'Buy More' workers and myself in Wienerlicious gear. We got our pictures taken with Bonita and moved on.


A little explanation. When Morgan on 'Chuck' declared his desire to learn how to be a Benihana chef, my reaction was, "A what now?" So I went and looked up the term on the internet. Having thereby achieved some kind of understanding, I was reasonably satisfied. Then I saw that there was a Benihana restaurant right on the doorstep of Dragon Con. Having some time on my hands on the Sunday night, off I went to the restaurant.

For the uninitiated, there were up to eight of us sitting around a solid rectangular table. This table had a large hot plate sunk about half an inch deep into the surface. After we'd ordered, we received delicious hot, clear soup and a small salad in a bowl plus two small bowls of dipping sauce.

Then the chef turned up and started by juggling a number of knives in front of us. Then he poured oil onto the surface and began cooking. Length-wise sliced courgettes, onions, steak, chicken, mushrooms, a huge pile of freshly prepared special fried rice [complete with eggs broken onto the hot plate], shellfish. To say we got a feast is an understatement! And everything was utterly delicious.

Pictures here:-

Sunday evening continued with me being on a panel as part of the Brit Track about 'BEING HUMAN'. I took some pictures of the location pink house in Totterdown, Bristol. We discussed several episodes and themes in the first season. I was able to report that season 2 was now filming in Bristol.

I concluded Sunday by singing some filk and going to the Pirate party!

Dragon Con 2009 #2



I went out after breakfast and made my way to Woodruff Park. This year I decided to be Silk Spectre II from 'Watchmen', mostly based on the film version of the character. In my allocated section there were quite a few Supermen and Batmen [Batmans?] plus associated characters. I think there were two more ladies dressed like me plus one Rorshach. I said hello to the assembled Browncoats and Sid. The General Lee car raised a lot of enthusiastic interest! There was a huge BSG group who were loudly chanting, 'So say we all!'. They even had three people dressed as metal Cylons [i.e. giant chrome toasters, LOL]. The Parade went very well and I got back to my hotel room just in time to see the significant Star Wars party taking up the rear. They even had a couple of pod racers [on wheels!]


This was a Polynesian-themed charity function in the Hilton hotel run by Trader Vics. My $25 bought me vouchers for four items. I traded one in pretty quickly for a Mai Tai [hic!]. There was a band on stage playing up-beat Hawaiian guitar numbers, but then they did a creditable cover of the Shadows 'Wonderful Land'. Delicious culture clash! I came back to the Lavapalooza later after doing some other things and had some food and a beer. Very good value for money!

Watchmen meetup

Quite a good number of us turned up in costume; three or four Comedians, one each of Mothman and Ozymandias, several Silk Spectre I and II [including me in the latter group], one Rorschach, a couple of Silhouettes and one Smiley badge [complete with 'blood' stain].

8:30 PM Whedon Universe Costume Contest
I decided to bring out 'Vera' for public consumption! However the excellent one woman Jayne hat was back along with a couple of very good Kaylees in 'wedding cake dresses', plus large numbers of Mals, Jaynes and Rivers!

Just like last year, this was incredibly popular. All the seats were taken and the entire central area of the room was packed with people; rather like a huge mosh pit! More chairs or a bigger room next year, please! Yet again the bar was tiny. I'd anticipated this and smuggled in a couple of beers bought in the nearby liquor store. Both Emerald Rose and the Bedlam Bards played well, but then the music stopped. This was a shame. It wouldn't have taken much to wire a CD player and/or an iPod into the speakers for more [recorded] dancing music to have been played. I could have brought my Walkman; it was full of music for the long journey and has a significant selection of assorted dance tunes. Heck, I had my Firefly filks in my bag; I could have sung them a capella. So, at about 1 a.m., the party seemed to grind to a halt and people drifted away, which was disappointing.



The trailer we'd all been waiting for! It's now out on the web; so please check it out. We also had a good six minutes of video of Sonny Rhodes playing slide guitar exclusively for the film. A number of the cast and creative team were there, so I had my promotional postcard signed by all of them. It'll be going in a frame soon!

2:30 pm Chuck - A glimpse within Intersect (GP) Sheraton - Capital

Aren't you glad I'm in charge of national security?
This was a delicious and hysterical hour of Bonita on stage 'assisted' [and heckled!] by her hubby John Billingsly! She commented that before this, she's been the one doing the heckling! According to both of them, playing 'the alien doctor and the general' is their favourite game! [TMI?!!?]
The entire cast wished to convey their thanks at helping save the show. [Some of us are Adam fans from 'Firefly' days. We know the countryside!]. John is 'now working for Subway' [humour!]. Bonita promised to pack several of the cast [including Zach] into her suitcase next year! Her acting inspiration for the General is Dame Judi Dench. She can't get all her bobby pins out on set, so she takes a shower when she gets home.

Yvonne has to wear 5” heels and does her own stunts!
Yes, Bonita is wearing the bottom half of her uniform under the desk!
Adam is crazy about guns [I think we'd noticed....!!] ; playing with them and flipping them on set!
Bonita would like Beckman to get a promotion to 2 or 3 star general, please!
Ann Dunworthy was apparent ly the first female 4 star general. One of the other female generals had a hairdo just like Beckman's>!!
Bonita 'loves being able to play a woman in power'. John is happy with this arrangement as well :-). It was about here that John recalled his deathless line from 'True Blood'. It's NSFW and distinctly adults only!!!
Chuck isn't entirely in control of his new powers [thought not...]
Some reference to [] which is a podcast.
There is a returning guest from Season 1 [I think we knew that], plus Brandon Routh.
Audience interaction with representatives of the 'Buy More 435 from Tallahassee'!
'Do you have a retail expert on the show?' [Because it's so well done!]
'Then I try to do them all at once and it ends up hurting' [Probably best not to ask...!!!]
Origins of Fulcrum? Well, the Ring is a much bigger enemy. [Oooh, tease!]
'Beyond the Government, beyond the United Nations...' It's Burbank Torchwood!!
Bonita had problems fitting on a screen with Tony Todd. He's 6ft 5ins and she's 5ft 3! She sat on a pile of telephone directories through a lot of season 1!
Beckman can pop up everywhere!
Ben and Casey [not Adam!] developed the Castle so that the cast can see each other.
Bonita used to be a teacher of middle and high school.
[Young lad] Why is Chuck on Monday? [Gets standing ovation!]
Bonita is roughly the same age as Adam.
It's gift time. John, “It's ticking!!” [Turns out to be a non-ticking NSA mug]. Bonita and John indulge in a lot of comic business 'discovering' that the mug will hold water.
John, “Where are the instructions?” Gift giver, “On the bottom!” John = Big grin!!
Beckman will come out from behind her desk again, be somewhere foreign and have a bullhorn!
She'd like to learn to use a bull-whip [John approved of this!].
Bonita described how her first experience on Chuck without the desk was somewhat physically hampered by her having long slacks and shoes that were too large. The slacks kept getting caught up inside the shoes and made her judder to a halt.
Beckman's task now is to make sure Chuck has the discipline to learn new skills he needs.
Zach still has the beard he grew in the hiatus.
John says Bonita has mad kung fu skills! She's just played a sword fighting vampire on Bob Chapin's webisode series.
'Someone has to keep Casey under control'. [ME! ME! WHERE DO I APPLY?!!?]
We are going to see a lot more of the Buy More.
Bonita suggested that it would be funny if Bekman was found at her desk with her legs up and drinking gin! Or the desk is unoccupied and a toilet flush is heard.
Throughout the talk, the microphone proved somewhat squeaky and even squealed a few times, but both Bonita and John turned the occurrences into comedy gold moments!

Dragon Con 2009 #1


The day started very early with a short flight to Charles de Gaul airport in Paris, followed by a nine hour flight to the States. I watched a couple of films and dozed a bit after lunch. Eventually I landed at Atlanta airport at 2 p.m. local time. Then followed the task of getting through customs and immigration. At least this year, it only took an hour and a half to get to the Marta station; a distinct improvement on two and a half last year. I reached the station for the hotels and made my way to the registration queue at the Sheraton. Sadly the room they'd picked lacked sufficient air conditioning and had a long queue. On the plus side, I had a battery operated fan. This proved worth its weight in gold as I slowly made my way to get my ticket and pocket programme. At last, over two hours later, I was through and on my way to the Hyatt. Finally I contacted my roomie, Zan, got my key and settled in. As I recall, they decided to go out to dinner - either separately or together - without me. So I carried on making myself comfortable.

I got my stuff sorted, then headed out for some food [although I wasn't feeling that hungry] and made my way to the Whedonverse track room to rehearse the pivotal Sweet/Dawn dance from 'Buffy Horror Picture show'. My memory is that I bumped into Sid on the way and we said hello, sharing a hug and a kiss. The rehearsal went on till about 10 p.m. at which time my internal clock called 'bed!' and so that's where I went.


Today was 'get as many autographs sorted as possible' day! I knew from last year that Saturday would be crazy, so I was going to do my best to avoid going into the walk of fame on that day. As I wasn't prepared to pony up $$$ for autographs from Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Patrick Stewart or Kate Mulgrew [I work on a fairly tight budget!], I kept away from the queues for their special dedicated signing room.

Bonita Fredericy [General Beckman]

She was sitting to the left of the main entry door alongside her hubby John Billingsly. I took a moment to recognise her, because she had her hair down [it just touches her shoulders] and she was smiling, with her eyes dancing. Quite different from the stern Beckman persona! I saluted her and she gave me one back. I commented on how different she looks with her hair down. She laughed and said it takes one and a half hours to get her hair a la Beckman!

I asked how her scenes were shot and whether she interacts with the other actors in real time. In season 1 her scenes [with Tony Todd, usually] were recorded separately with a non-actor delivering the feed lines. This wasn't entirely satisfactory for either her or the others. Now they rig something up so that the other actors can see her on a monitor and she has one on her desk plus an earpiece in her ear. She added that Adam is very naughty and makes her laugh [somehow that does not surprise me and I said so!].

Due to spending time getting most of the autographs I wanted, I arrived at the Firefly talk too late when it was already full [sorry, Ron Glass]. Then, at 8.30 pm came Dragon Con's first ever 'Chuck' talk!

Chuck: Now with Kung Fu action grip!

On the panel were four people; a gentleman called Patrick Cranford who was dressed as Oliver Hardy, Aaron Dunn and a lady plus third gentleman who gave their names so quickly I didn't catch them. The basic gist of the discussion was where might season 3 go following the dramatic end of season 2. Questions raised and discussed included:-

Will Chuck's new abilities be a curse rather than a blessing?
How will the writers keep up the romantic tension between Chuck and Sarah and make it believable?
Comments on a couple of future guest stars.
Chevy Chase being awesome as a villain ['a believable Dr Evil!', 'evil Steve Jobs!']
Will we get to meet Mama Bartowski?
[Warm comments about the excellent casting of Papa Bartowski]
Who might turn up as a villain? Dean Stockwell?
Might Tricia Helfer come back?
Awesome might get a bigger role.
If TPTB could cast Lawrence Fishburn as a mentor to Chuck... [Amazing stunt casting!]
Eureka had product placement; Subway sponsors Chuck ['our special sauce is really special'!]
Season 1 got a [re]run on SyFy
Perhaps John McKinley and Zach Braff could be cast as walk ons. They wouldn't have to be named, just be having a 'typical' Cox/JD kind of exchange. Then there could be a delicious moment when John encounters Casey and Zach plus Zach have a moment!
[There are good and bad crossovers]
Growing Morgan ['sounds like growing mould...'] [It's a bromance!] [Facepalm!]
Wienerlicious costume in the room!
[They would have had two if I hadn't been having to dash to the Sheraton post haste!]
Sarah is a killer – that's still going on for Chuck
Character development for Ellie?
Awesome = Malibu Ken [y/n?]
Bring back the British spy!
Intelligence agencies do recruit from universities

Buffy Horror Picture show [#2]

Arrived at the ballroom at a run! Happily I was mostly changed and just had to deploy my home-made Sweet mask and put my bags somewhere safe. It was absolutely amazing being Sweet the demon. I loved every minute of it. Thanks to the rest of the cast, who were awesome. I'll gladly do it again next year!!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Hello All! Just starting this!!