Managed to get in the first row again!
Okay, yet again cobbled together from notes with possible flirtacious commentary from me.
A slippery nipple - the answer is yes!
Q about 'My Bodyguard' and 'Poison Ivy' with Michael J Fox
Adam waxed lyrical about being the 'fascistic camp commander'. 'You kids; stop having fun'! Had to wear 'tight coach shorts'.
[Sure did. Adam has a great set of pins!]
Poison Ivy was filmed in Rutledge, GA [not so far from Atlanta, I guess]. Adam went frog-gigging; 'They're disgusting, they taste of swamp!'. Adam went on to talk about eating snails and how he prefers oysters.
[Some discussion of a great meal the previous night at the 'Wood Fire Grill' in Atlanta. Sean Maher opens his fist and dispenses four or five corks from the bottles of wine consumed!]
Another question which involves Twitter and 'My Bodyguard'. Questioner says to Adam, 'You're a Conservative'?
No, I'm an American! Benefit of Liberal people = good wine. Don't be a dick at work!
Why are Kaylee and Jayne loveable?
Jewel : Kaylee is always cheery.
Adam : This must be what going mad feels like!
Jewel : Don't bite!
Adam : Just talent and fear of being killed off!
Which episode took you out of your comfort zone?
Sean : Jaynestown! It was different, liked playing drunk.
Adam : Nursed liquor over the course of the shooting day.
Jewel : 'Cause you're method!
Adam: That's not true!
Jewel : Making out in the engine room!
Adam : Nathan naked in desert!
Jewel : Picture of Joss on Nathan's crotch.
Adam : Enjoyed brushing Helen's hair in 'Heart of Gold' [Lucky woman!] Having drool on Jayne's pillow in the episode with Jubal Early. Gina's wedding to Lawrence Fishburn. Their honeymoon on Tahiti or Boa Bora.. They get giggly and ignore me!
Q about 'Halo'
Adam : Give me a real weapon!
Q about Firefly comics
Jewel : Read them and we're still alive!
Adam : Read the script; if I'm on the last page, that's good!
Q about cursing to Sean
Not in front of my kids!
Adam : You will!
Jewel : Long rambling joke about Sean accidentally saying 'Schleep easy'
Continuation of characters after the show?
Jewel : You know where I wanna go. A baby - or two babies. And a Cocker Spaniel!
Adam : I could come in as the Nanny! Read to your kids. I'd like Jayne to have his own ship and compete with Mal. Bunk in a shuttle with Inara!
Good/favourite guest roles on other shows?
Sean and Jewel : Warehouse 13. Worst shoot, though. 7 a.m. - 2 p.m. the next day. Thurs 5 p.m. onwards. Friday 10 p.m. onwards.
Jewel: Head to toe purple spandex!
Adam : Form fitting?
Sean: VERY form fitting!!
Adam : Loved being Ethan Slaughter on 'Castle'.
Sean & Jewel : Want to be on!
Adam : Let's text Nathan about that....
Sean & Jewel : Want to be joint suspects!
Q about 'Much Ado...'
Sean : 12 days in Joss' house. Like shooting live theatre.
Adam: Paid well?
Sean : More than a paper route!
Q about Animal Mother from former Marine called Wayne
Adam : Thank you for your service! Hoorah! Lee Emery helped a lot. Looks back and notices now that his character has very little trigger discipline! Stanley would yell at us. Always waiting for sun to break through. Had a lot more training since.
Favourite Dr Who episode..?
Jewel : Lots of cocktails beforehand...
Favourite characteristic about character
Jewel : Kaylee's confidence. Unafraid.
Adam : Restrained intelligence [laughter]. Jayne's tactile nature. Fear of Mal.
Sean : Simon's vests! No, hated them. Simon's care of River.
Q about Jewel's eating blog, 'Happy Opu'
Jewel : Forgets to take photos. Will be moving into new home in Vancouver. Loved Rathben's - the food here is super good!
Sean: Inspiration for role, being a middle child.
Adam : Middle child syndrome!
Summer being a delicate gemstone/flower. Teasing Summer.
Sean : Nathan is such a dick!
Q about the Cunning Hat
Adam ; Joss spoke about this at SDCC. It's colourful, lightweight, easy to produce. Gave Jayne a soft touch. 'I'm gonna wear that in every damn scene!' - until the funeral. Just a hat from Mum. Raised 5K for charity. No-one's getting the knife!!
Q about 'Bones'/'Angel' with David
Adam : David's one of the coolest dudes in the world. See him at hockey games. [Child in audience starts babbling]. Where is that child? One of the happiest sounds in the world, like music.
Favourite character line?
Jewel :'Twixt nethers'!
Adam : Can I know her?
Sean : It's okay to leave them to die
Sean : Morena's sunburnt cleavage!
Jewel : Shindig dress with Morena holding it up while I peed!
Adam : Goofy card game. 'Plums are tall'. Baskerball game. Last day of movie, several of cast went to a liquor store and got a bit relaxed... Professional showbiz, ladies and gentlemen...!!
Wednesday, 12 September 2012
Monday, 10 September 2012
Dragon Con 2012 panel #2 : The man they call...Casey
Managed to get in the first row for this one!
Again, reconstructed from notes taken at the time...
We want JEFFSTER here!
Adam said he'd pass the message along to Vic and Scott!
High C
Was/is apparently an E!
I asked about Adam's 'process'
Adam : Does funny routine about getting distracted by Twitter. He then moved on to this:-
1. Reads his lines aloud
[Dogs barking, kids aren't crying...]
2. Gets into rhythm by walking about
3. [Joke about rhythm method] - It doesn't work!
4. Rehearsal
5. Props/doings
6. I play cartoon characters, so it's not that hard!
Joss Whedon's a great writer! Not a yak yak, but a pow, pow! Wished he'd had more opportunities to blast bad guys at the end. Zac's better at yak yak than I am!
Where's the funny? Doings = words and actions. Morgan was a great foil! With him, it just got better! Mention of Zac's Operation smile which raised £150,000 this year.
Big fan of Twitter [I think we'd noticed!]
Cubs/White Socks?
I'm a North-sider, so Cubs. Braves, stop kicking our ass! Easy to play victim; haven't won since 1908!!
Air Force vet asks why Casey was changed from an Air Force pilot to Marine
Maybe it was an interdisciplinary transition! Multiple branches of NSA!
[Maybe Casey was undercover as an Air Force pilot!]
Q about X Files
Knowle Rohrer. Bit of a tongue twister, like 'girl gargoyle, guy gargoyle' or 'lemon liniment'! Tried for Doggett but was deemed too tall. Something about an all-nighter at the Disney ranch and that being allergic to magnetite was a bummer. Should have carried a detector!
Favourite people to work with?
Friendly, no nonsense folks. Zac, Nathan, Joss, Yvonne [who swears like a sailor!], Kubrick [perfectionist], my Dad, Tony Bill, Don and Dean Devlin [the latter introduced Adam to his wife, mentions 'Leverage'], Robert Redford. Adam just 'sticks around like fungus'!
Favourite episode of 'Chuck'?
The upcoming movie! 'Chuck vs the Couch Lock'. Make-up lady told him his character would 'die' in the next episode. Mimes phoning Chris Fedak. Something about the change of ring from one with an Air Foce blue stone to the red one seen later.
Someone challenges Adam to a rematch pool [snooker!] contest!
Q about Reagan photo
It's from 'The Inside'. still has the photo, will be snuck on to set of next thing he's in!
How does Adam channel Jayne, who is the 'dumb guy'?
It's easier to pretend to be dumb than smart! A machine gun will beat a pistol every time!
Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2?
Cal Reagan. Show up with diverse group of folks. Rob Paulson, one of the great voice-overs of all time. Can wear pyjamas and flip-flops! Any character can go at any time. Adam's 15 yea old son crushes him every time they play!
Moment for Casey?
The kiss! The rehearsal was awkward! Grab weapons and get outta there! Plastic guns, fire blanks.
It's the same guy! Ethan = bull in a china shop!
Three year old fan - something about Casey/Jayne/Ethan
Zac = Disney prince. You are absolutely adorable! Type cast = yes. I'm the 'go to' guy. Likes comedy. Alan Rickman in 'Die Hard'.
Jayne betrays, Casey's a killer. Makes a loathsome character loveable. Wife and kids keep him grounded. No 'show bible' for 'Chuck'.
Favourite episode over all?
Casey/Jayne. Casey paid better! Firefly = Camelot.
Favourite book?
Bible; Michael Chrichton's 'Sphere'; Tom Clancy; Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell; Brief history of time
Good one liners?
Adam asks lady questioner about the size of her heels. 5 1/2", apparently. 'Unleash the Casey', 'I'll be in my bunk', 'I'll skip the foreplay' [FMJ], 'Pain is scary'.
How many times do you have to explain you're not A Baldwin, but THE Baldwin?
Who are you here as today ? [Questioner dressed as Jayne!]
Favourite guns?
Don't muzzle your buddy! The one that gets me back to my primary! [Discourse about FMJ and Lee Emory]. Whichever one comes out of the gun pile first! Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse.
Crown Vic?
Are you a car guy? Not that comfortable a car! I like gas guzzlers, but not these days!
Differences in working?
Not much. Anything that ends before midnight on Friday is a celebration!
Where might have Jayne ended up?
Fantasy = with a nice girl like Inara! Can just hear Joss in my ear saying, 'Wrong!'
Early influences?
Three Stooges [Adam was Curly!]. School with good drama department. Hockey player. Mother taught earth sciences.
Q about birds [?]
Tufted titmouth. Thorium Chlorium - isn't that a city in Colorado?!? - ruby, bald eagle, raptors...
Jayne vs Casey?
Jayne is younger! Casey could hire a team, though... Law & Order SVU.
Another question about X Files
Clothing, accessories, make-up.Took spines on neck home one night and freaked out his wife! William Holden - very undignified profession for a grown man!
Animal Mother
Run over fields a lot by Kubrick. M60 = 18 lbs! Got stressed out and pissed off! Read books about Vietnam. Is 6ft 4" - don't get the 'short guy' role!
Casey's development
Mekenna Melvin played his daughter
Balance between celebrity and home
'Dirty laundry' - don't believe your reviews! More important to be kind than right [Adam's wife's motto]. Adam does like being right, though!!
Again, reconstructed from notes taken at the time...
We want JEFFSTER here!
Adam said he'd pass the message along to Vic and Scott!
High C
Was/is apparently an E!
I asked about Adam's 'process'
Adam : Does funny routine about getting distracted by Twitter. He then moved on to this:-
1. Reads his lines aloud
[Dogs barking, kids aren't crying...]
2. Gets into rhythm by walking about
3. [Joke about rhythm method] - It doesn't work!
4. Rehearsal
5. Props/doings
6. I play cartoon characters, so it's not that hard!
Joss Whedon's a great writer! Not a yak yak, but a pow, pow! Wished he'd had more opportunities to blast bad guys at the end. Zac's better at yak yak than I am!
Where's the funny? Doings = words and actions. Morgan was a great foil! With him, it just got better! Mention of Zac's Operation smile which raised £150,000 this year.
Big fan of Twitter [I think we'd noticed!]
Cubs/White Socks?
I'm a North-sider, so Cubs. Braves, stop kicking our ass! Easy to play victim; haven't won since 1908!!
Air Force vet asks why Casey was changed from an Air Force pilot to Marine
Maybe it was an interdisciplinary transition! Multiple branches of NSA!
[Maybe Casey was undercover as an Air Force pilot!]
Q about X Files
Knowle Rohrer. Bit of a tongue twister, like 'girl gargoyle, guy gargoyle' or 'lemon liniment'! Tried for Doggett but was deemed too tall. Something about an all-nighter at the Disney ranch and that being allergic to magnetite was a bummer. Should have carried a detector!
Favourite people to work with?
Friendly, no nonsense folks. Zac, Nathan, Joss, Yvonne [who swears like a sailor!], Kubrick [perfectionist], my Dad, Tony Bill, Don and Dean Devlin [the latter introduced Adam to his wife, mentions 'Leverage'], Robert Redford. Adam just 'sticks around like fungus'!
Favourite episode of 'Chuck'?
The upcoming movie! 'Chuck vs the Couch Lock'. Make-up lady told him his character would 'die' in the next episode. Mimes phoning Chris Fedak. Something about the change of ring from one with an Air Foce blue stone to the red one seen later.
Someone challenges Adam to a rematch pool [snooker!] contest!
Q about Reagan photo
It's from 'The Inside'. still has the photo, will be snuck on to set of next thing he's in!
How does Adam channel Jayne, who is the 'dumb guy'?
It's easier to pretend to be dumb than smart! A machine gun will beat a pistol every time!
Mass Effect/Mass Effect 2?
Cal Reagan. Show up with diverse group of folks. Rob Paulson, one of the great voice-overs of all time. Can wear pyjamas and flip-flops! Any character can go at any time. Adam's 15 yea old son crushes him every time they play!
Moment for Casey?
The kiss! The rehearsal was awkward! Grab weapons and get outta there! Plastic guns, fire blanks.
It's the same guy! Ethan = bull in a china shop!
Three year old fan - something about Casey/Jayne/Ethan
Zac = Disney prince. You are absolutely adorable! Type cast = yes. I'm the 'go to' guy. Likes comedy. Alan Rickman in 'Die Hard'.
Jayne betrays, Casey's a killer. Makes a loathsome character loveable. Wife and kids keep him grounded. No 'show bible' for 'Chuck'.
Favourite episode over all?
Casey/Jayne. Casey paid better! Firefly = Camelot.
Favourite book?
Bible; Michael Chrichton's 'Sphere'; Tom Clancy; Conflict of Visions by Thomas Sowell; Brief history of time
Good one liners?
Adam asks lady questioner about the size of her heels. 5 1/2", apparently. 'Unleash the Casey', 'I'll be in my bunk', 'I'll skip the foreplay' [FMJ], 'Pain is scary'.
How many times do you have to explain you're not A Baldwin, but THE Baldwin?
Who are you here as today ? [Questioner dressed as Jayne!]
Favourite guns?
Don't muzzle your buddy! The one that gets me back to my primary! [Discourse about FMJ and Lee Emory]. Whichever one comes out of the gun pile first! Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse.
Crown Vic?
Are you a car guy? Not that comfortable a car! I like gas guzzlers, but not these days!
Differences in working?
Not much. Anything that ends before midnight on Friday is a celebration!
Where might have Jayne ended up?
Fantasy = with a nice girl like Inara! Can just hear Joss in my ear saying, 'Wrong!'
Early influences?
Three Stooges [Adam was Curly!]. School with good drama department. Hockey player. Mother taught earth sciences.
Q about birds [?]
Tufted titmouth. Thorium Chlorium - isn't that a city in Colorado?!? - ruby, bald eagle, raptors...
Jayne vs Casey?
Jayne is younger! Casey could hire a team, though... Law & Order SVU.
Another question about X Files
Clothing, accessories, make-up.Took spines on neck home one night and freaked out his wife! William Holden - very undignified profession for a grown man!
Animal Mother
Run over fields a lot by Kubrick. M60 = 18 lbs! Got stressed out and pissed off! Read books about Vietnam. Is 6ft 4" - don't get the 'short guy' role!
Casey's development
Mekenna Melvin played his daughter
Balance between celebrity and home
'Dirty laundry' - don't believe your reviews! More important to be kind than right [Adam's wife's motto]. Adam does like being right, though!!
Saturday, 8 September 2012
Dragon Con 2012 - Friday BDH panel
The talks/panels are reconstructed from notes I took at the time. Can't do shorthand, but I can give you a flavour!
Adam : Don't Tweet this! [Who, us...?!!?]
Adam : I wear lifts!
Q about succeeding from the other Baldwin brothers [G]
Adam : It's a good conversation starter.
Adam : It's good to have friends who can pay you! [Some remembrances of Dean Devlin]
'Your time is up, your microphone has expired'
Q about 'Castle'
Adam : Chuckle; c'mon Sean get in here, stop Tweeting!
Fave moment from Firefly
Adam : In cargo bay
Jewel : Flirting with Sean. Nathan splitting his pants.
Adam : Captain Splitty Pants!!
Sean : The Message [lots of giggling, remembering Nathan's appearances at the funeral]
Jewel : Sean's mom was on set; Joss' baby...
Something about favourite character traits
Sean : I'm kinda sober!
Jewel : Kaylee's trust in Mal
Sean : About saving River
Adam : Not to have his character killed off! Stone cold killer; got to have humanity and heart.
Adam : Champagne down, now!
Sean: [apparently apropos of nothing] What the fuck is that!
Adam : Always a celebration, getting back together with these guys.
Q to Adam; 'Will you be my bodyguard?'
Adam : A Grand!. Who is your antagonist? Because if it's your wife, you're on your own!!
Adam: [Something about sticking his lines to Sean's forehead]. Great tee shirt! [Had picture of Adam!!]
Q about Jewel's new show
Q about hurricane
Adam: No, no, no; it's Bush's fault! [Beat] That's irony, okay!
Adam: [Holds phone to ear] Nathan, this is Adam!
[Assembled crowd gets the tingles. Questions go out of the window!!]
Nathan : [via phone] Something about 'con phone' and Inara. All I need, gotta go!
[Phone rings again]
Sean: Hi!
Nathan: How does Jewel look?
Sean : Smoking hot!
Jewel: [Head in hands] Oh, no...
Adam: He's the captain!
Nathan: [Something about being another character on Firefly. Nathan seemed keen to be Inara]
Adam : I would pick Book. He was wise and could read!
Jewel : [gets phone] Uh-oh. Hi, sir!
Nathan : Wassup?!
Jewel: Toronto next week....?
Nathan : [Question about Sean]. Now look at me in your mind's eye.
Jewel : I don't look at you in ANY eye!
Nathan: I'm gonna take that as a yes!
Jewel: I will be there, with Sean!
Adam : [snatches phone] This is Adam!
Nathan : [Hangs up]
Adam: Yes, Nathan? [Something about premier of Much ado in Toronto]
Nathan: date with Jewel! I'm gonna get me some?
Adam: You're not gonna ask me to dress up as Inara, are you?!!?
Nathan : Yes!
Adam: [sing-song] Okay, only because you're Cappy! Okay, bye. Call me!
Sean : [boggling, imagining Adam dressed as Inara]
A member of the audience supplies Firefly Sweet Tea bourbon
Jewel : [Opens bottle]
Adam: [Gets glass ready!]
Jewel : Didn't you all come to Dragon Con to see the Firefly cast double fisting?!!?
[Um...that has a different meaning in the UK. Just saying!!!]
Adam : [acts slurry]
Sean : That's warming me [meaning the bourbon!]
Comment about Sean coming out
Back to Firefly
Sean : Ten years later
Adam : One looong experience
Jewel : Cancellation
Adam: Spoiler!!
Sean : Celebration of the same thing
Adam : So, you're still going. [To Jewel] Where are we eating?
Adam : TUNDRA!
Jewel : CANADA!!
Adam : [Pretends to phone his wife about going to Canada]. It's this Firefly bourbon, it's what it is; it's got some hallucinogens in there!
Jewel : Nathan's the prankster! [the story about the potato in Nathan's new car]
Sean : I had a potato garden at the time...
Jewel : [Talks about Sean's odd diet at the time]
Adam: Nathan does the same thing [pranking] on 'Castle'
After Serenity
Jewel : Simon and Kaylee have a baby
Sean: Two! Three!
Adam : Jayne becomes a Companion
Jewel : I wanna see you in a toga
Sean : Or a dress...
Adam : I want to go through the training program
[Straight women and possibly some of the gay ones & all the gay guys in the audience probably silently wish, 'Me! Me! I'll train you!' ] [Hey, it's only fantasy...]
Jewel : I love it when Adam Gets embarrassed!
Adam : Don't Tweet this! [Who, us...?!!?]
Adam : I wear lifts!
Q about succeeding from the other Baldwin brothers [G]
Adam : It's a good conversation starter.
Adam : It's good to have friends who can pay you! [Some remembrances of Dean Devlin]
'Your time is up, your microphone has expired'
Q about 'Castle'
Adam : Chuckle; c'mon Sean get in here, stop Tweeting!
Fave moment from Firefly
Adam : In cargo bay
Jewel : Flirting with Sean. Nathan splitting his pants.
Adam : Captain Splitty Pants!!
Sean : The Message [lots of giggling, remembering Nathan's appearances at the funeral]
Jewel : Sean's mom was on set; Joss' baby...
Something about favourite character traits
Sean : I'm kinda sober!
Jewel : Kaylee's trust in Mal
Sean : About saving River
Adam : Not to have his character killed off! Stone cold killer; got to have humanity and heart.
Adam : Champagne down, now!
Sean: [apparently apropos of nothing] What the fuck is that!
Adam : Always a celebration, getting back together with these guys.
Q to Adam; 'Will you be my bodyguard?'
Adam : A Grand!. Who is your antagonist? Because if it's your wife, you're on your own!!
Adam: [Something about sticking his lines to Sean's forehead]. Great tee shirt! [Had picture of Adam!!]
Q about Jewel's new show
Q about hurricane
Adam: No, no, no; it's Bush's fault! [Beat] That's irony, okay!
Adam: [Holds phone to ear] Nathan, this is Adam!
[Assembled crowd gets the tingles. Questions go out of the window!!]
Nathan : [via phone] Something about 'con phone' and Inara. All I need, gotta go!
[Phone rings again]
Sean: Hi!
Nathan: How does Jewel look?
Sean : Smoking hot!
Jewel: [Head in hands] Oh, no...
Adam: He's the captain!
Nathan: [Something about being another character on Firefly. Nathan seemed keen to be Inara]
Adam : I would pick Book. He was wise and could read!
Jewel : [gets phone] Uh-oh. Hi, sir!
Nathan : Wassup?!
Jewel: Toronto next week....?
Nathan : [Question about Sean]. Now look at me in your mind's eye.
Jewel : I don't look at you in ANY eye!
Nathan: I'm gonna take that as a yes!
Jewel: I will be there, with Sean!
Adam : [snatches phone] This is Adam!
Nathan : [Hangs up]
Adam: Yes, Nathan? [Something about premier of Much ado in Toronto]
Nathan: date with Jewel! I'm gonna get me some?
Adam: You're not gonna ask me to dress up as Inara, are you?!!?
Nathan : Yes!
Adam: [sing-song] Okay, only because you're Cappy! Okay, bye. Call me!
Sean : [boggling, imagining Adam dressed as Inara]
A member of the audience supplies Firefly Sweet Tea bourbon
Jewel : [Opens bottle]
Adam: [Gets glass ready!]
Jewel : Didn't you all come to Dragon Con to see the Firefly cast double fisting?!!?
[Um...that has a different meaning in the UK. Just saying!!!]
Adam : [acts slurry]
Sean : That's warming me [meaning the bourbon!]
Comment about Sean coming out
Back to Firefly
Sean : Ten years later
Adam : One looong experience
Jewel : Cancellation
Adam: Spoiler!!
Sean : Celebration of the same thing
Adam : So, you're still going. [To Jewel] Where are we eating?
Adam : TUNDRA!
Jewel : CANADA!!
Adam : [Pretends to phone his wife about going to Canada]. It's this Firefly bourbon, it's what it is; it's got some hallucinogens in there!
Jewel : Nathan's the prankster! [the story about the potato in Nathan's new car]
Sean : I had a potato garden at the time...
Jewel : [Talks about Sean's odd diet at the time]
Adam: Nathan does the same thing [pranking] on 'Castle'
After Serenity
Jewel : Simon and Kaylee have a baby
Sean: Two! Three!
Adam : Jayne becomes a Companion
Jewel : I wanna see you in a toga
Sean : Or a dress...
Adam : I want to go through the training program
[Straight women and possibly some of the gay ones & all the gay guys in the audience probably silently wish, 'Me! Me! I'll train you!' ] [Hey, it's only fantasy...]
Jewel : I love it when Adam Gets embarrassed!
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